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Explore Scientific Dobson telescope N 305/1525 Ultra Light Generation II DOB
Explore Scientific
Dobson telescope N 305/1525 Ultra Light Generation II DOB
( 4 / 5 )
$ 1,350.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Skywatcher Maksutov telescope MC 127/1500 Heritage Virtuoso GTi
Maksutov telescope MC 127/1500 Heritage Virtuoso GTi
RRP:  $ 780.00
Our price:
$ 740.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Omegon Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC 250/2000 EQ6-R Pro
Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC 250/2000 EQ6-R Pro
RRP:  $ 5,009.00
Our price:
$ 4,790.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Skywatcher Maksutov telescope MC 127/1500 SkyMax 127 EQ3 Pro SynScan GoTo
Maksutov telescope MC 127/1500 SkyMax 127 EQ3 Pro SynScan GoTo
RRP:  $ 1,270.00
Our price:
$ 1,180.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Omegon Cassegrain telescope Pro CC 154/1848 OTA
Cassegrain telescope Pro CC 154/1848 OTA
( 3 / 5 )
RRP:  $ 619.00
Our price:
$ 525.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope EdgeHD-SC 280/2800 AVX GoTo
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope EdgeHD-SC 280/2800 AVX GoTo
$ 6,600.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Skywatcher Dobson telescope N 406/1800 Skyliner FlexTube BD DOB GoTo
Dobson telescope N 406/1800 Skyliner FlexTube BD DOB GoTo
( 5 / 5 )
$ 4,450.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Omegon Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC Truss Tube 406/3250 GM 3000
Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC Truss Tube 406/3250 GM 3000
RRP:  $ 28,913.00
Our price:
$ 28,490.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.11.2025
Hubble Optics Dobson telescope N 508/1880 UL20 f/3.7 Premium Ultra Light DOB
Hubble Optics
Dobson telescope N 508/1880 UL20 f/3.7 Premium Ultra Light DOB
$ 12,000.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 203/2032 EdgeHD 800 OTA
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 203/2032 EdgeHD 800 OTA
$ 2,320.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 356/3910 EdgeHD 1400 OTA
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 356/3910 EdgeHD 1400 OTA
$ 11,600.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Hubble Optics Dobson telescope N 508/2134 UL20 f/4.2 Premium Ultra Light DOB
Hubble Optics
Dobson telescope N 508/2134 UL20 f/4.2 Premium Ultra Light DOB
$ 10,700.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Skywatcher Maksutov telescope MC 180/2700 SkyMax 180 EQ5 Pro SynScan GoTo
Maksutov telescope MC 180/2700 SkyMax 180 EQ5 Pro SynScan GoTo
RRP:  $ 2,600.00
Our price:
$ 2,380.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 150/1500 NexStar SLT 6
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 150/1500 NexStar SLT 6
$ 1,180.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Omegon Cassegrain telescope Pro CC 203/2436 OTA
Cassegrain telescope Pro CC 203/2436 OTA
RRP:  $ 1,190.00
Our price:
$ 1,134.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Vixen Cassegrain telescope MC 260/3000 VMC260L Atlux Delux AXD2 Starbook Ten GoTo
Cassegrain telescope MC 260/3000 VMC260L Atlux Delux AXD2 Starbook Ten GoTo
$ 18,000.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Hubble Optics Dobson telescope N 457/1860 UL18 f/4 Premium Ultra Light DOB
Hubble Optics
Dobson telescope N 457/1860 UL18 f/4 Premium Ultra Light DOB
$ 9,600.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Omegon Ritchey-Chretien Pro RC 203/1624 OTA
Ritchey-Chretien Pro RC 203/1624 OTA
RRP:  $ 1,190.00
Our price:
$ 999.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 356/3910 EdgeHD 1400 CGX-L GoTo
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 356/3910 EdgeHD 1400 CGX-L GoTo
$ 17,200.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Meade Telescope ACF-SC 203/2000 8" UHTC LX200 GoTo
Telescope ACF-SC 203/2000 8" UHTC LX200 GoTo
$ 7,100.00
Sale price:
$ 3,773.67
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC 203/1624 EQ6-R Pro
Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC 203/1624 EQ6-R Pro
RRP:  $ 3,189.00
Our price:
$ 3,090.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 356/3910 CGX-L 1400 GoTo
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 356/3910 CGX-L 1400 GoTo
$ 15,800.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 279/2800 CGX 1100 GoTo
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 279/2800 CGX 1100 GoTo
$ 6,500.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Celestron Dobson telescope N 305/1500 StarSense Explorer DOB
Dobson telescope N 305/1500 StarSense Explorer DOB
$ 2,380.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Dobson telescope N 305/1525 Messier Hexafoc DOB
Dobson telescope N 305/1525 Messier Hexafoc DOB
$ 1,370.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Maksutov telescope MC 127/1900 MCX Messier EQ/AZ GoTo
Maksutov telescope MC 127/1900 MCX Messier EQ/AZ GoTo
RRP:  $ 1,030.00
Our price:
$ 980.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Omegon Cassegrain telescope Pro CC 154/1848 CEM26 LiteRoc
Cassegrain telescope Pro CC 154/1848 CEM26 LiteRoc
RRP:  $ 2,677.00
Our price:
$ 2,590.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Bresser Maksutov telescope MC 152/1900 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2 GoTo
Maksutov telescope MC 152/1900 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2 GoTo
$ 2,030.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Meade Telescope ACF-SC 254/2500 10" UHTC LX200 GoTo
Telescope ACF-SC 254/2500 10" UHTC LX200 GoTo
RRP:  $ 7,200.00
Our price:
$ 5,400.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Hubble Optics Dobson telescope N 406/2032 UL16 f/5 Premium Ultra Light DOB
Hubble Optics
Dobson telescope N 406/2032 UL16 f/5 Premium Ultra Light DOB
$ 5,500.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Skywatcher Dobson telescope N 508/2000 Stargate-500P Synscan GoTo DOB
Dobson telescope N 508/2000 Stargate-500P Synscan GoTo DOB
$ 8,200.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Skywatcher Maksutov telescope MC 127/1500 SkyMax 127T OTA
Maksutov telescope MC 127/1500 SkyMax 127T OTA
$ 491.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Meade Telescope ACF-SC 355/3556 UHTC LX200 OTA
Telescope ACF-SC 355/3556 UHTC LX200 OTA
$ 8,900.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 279/2800 EdgeHD 1100 CGX-L GoTo
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 279/2800 EdgeHD 1100 CGX-L GoTo
$ 10,200.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 203/2032 EdgeHD 800 CGEM II GoTo
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 203/2032 EdgeHD 800 CGEM II GoTo
$ 4,860.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 203/2032 CPC 800 GoTo StarSense AutoAlign
Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope SC 203/2032 CPC 800 GoTo StarSense AutoAlign
RRP:  $ 4,170.00
Our price:
$ 3,960.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
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