For more than 30 years Peli has built a reputation for manufacturing the toughest Protector Cases in the world.
Over these years PELI has seen their cases used for some pretty crazy ideas... and important ones, too. The Peli Protector™ Case has been thrown out of helicopters in Iraq, towed along frigid fjords in Norway, and rolled over by SUVs in Tanzania. With only a few scratches to show on the outside, contents are left unscathed. Minor war wounds for major bragging rights. And that is really what it's all about. Getting your gear from point A to point B in the condition it's meant to be in: intact and functional.
Peli Protector cases are also "Permanent Packaging Solutions" that have less impact on the environment, while saving money and better protecting merchandise.
Stainless steel ball bearing wheels (on selected cases) last longer and ride smoother. The nylon hub adjacent to the stainless steel is made to resist heat. Result: less wear and tear on the polyurethane wheel.
PELI only uses materials, that are resistant against corrosion.