For more than 30 years, PELI has earned the reputation of producing the most robust Protector™ cases in the world. In fact, PELI even invented this category. You could see how PELI cases were used in all these years for some crazy ideas, but also for more important things. They have been thrown out of helicopters in Iraq, dragged along icy Fijords in Norway, and run over by SUVs in Tanzania. The cases acquired some scratches, but the contents of the cases remained undamaged.
More about PELI
Founder and President Dave Parker had the idea of offering the diving market unique and practical products. The result was the 1976 American company Peli Products Inc. Dave – who had been an avid diver since the age of eleven - had already dived in some of the most exotic places in the world. As he gained experience, he noticed that some of the things he needed for the perfect diving experience were simply not available. He thought, "If I need something like that, then other divers will need it too!"

The company's beginnings were all about the great American dream - the first product and patent, the ‘Pelican Float’, was marketed with very little money from an old garage with natural flooring. After a day's work at his advertising and industrial design agency, Dave and his wife and co-founder, TWA airline stewardess, spent their evenings in the garage, making Floats.
Dave was responsible for manufacturing, while Arline packed, invoiced and shipped the manufactured products during her regular work as a stewardess. Dave's homemade Float was distributed via mail order ads in magazines. It soon became clear that the days working in a garage on the Peli Products were numbered.
Since the early days of the Float, Peli Products has developed into a multi-product industrial company with a full line of torches for professional use and has developed security accredited waterproof cases.

As time went on, the company opened offices around the entire world. Peli Products has emerged from a part-time, garage-based, mail order business into a thriving autonomous company with ISO 9001-2000 certification, its own injection moulding machines and 500 employees worldwide who are involved in the development and production of the products.
Peli and its products have changed dramtically in recent years. Many things grew and changed continuously. But one thing remains - our commitment to first-class quality and our legendary guarantee: If your Peli product breaks, it will be replaced ... unconditionally.
Peli Europe
Peli Products was founded in January 1997 as the European subsidiary of the well-proven and established Peli Products, Inc.
"We wanted to give our regular customers instant access to our inventory and customer service, and to boost overall business volume in each individual area. Through our facility in Barcelona, we hoped to better understand the wishes of our customers and the European market. "Since its opening, the Barcelona facility has been a great success, serving every EU country, additional countries outside the EU, the Middle East and several African countries.

Due to legal restrictions in Europe (another company already owned the rights to the name), it is not allowed to use the American trade name there. That is why the name ‘Peli’ was introduced to Europe. European customers can be sure that all Peli cases and torches are the same quality products made in the same location, and covered by the same unconditional quality guarantee as those with the American name.