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Vision Engineering LynxEVO, EVO504, head, zoom body, column tripod, rotating optics, 1:10 zoom, 6-60x
Vision Engineering
LynxEVO, EVO504, head, zoom body, column tripod, rotating optics, 1:10 zoom, 6-60x
$ 18.600,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering LynxEVO, EVO503, Head, Zoomkörper, Ergo-Stativ , Drehoptik, Zoom 1:10, 6-60x
Vision Engineering
LynxEVO, EVO503, Head, Zoomkörper, Ergo-Stativ , Drehoptik, Zoom 1:10, 6-60x
$ 18.100,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering LynxEVO, EVO502, Head, Zoomkörper, Säulen-Stativ, Ringlicht, Zoom 1:10, 6-60x
Vision Engineering
LynxEVO, EVO502, Head, Zoomkörper, Säulen-Stativ, Ringlicht, Zoom 1:10, 6-60x
$ 15.100,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering LynxEVO, EVO501, Head, Zoomkörper, Ergo-Stativ, Ringlicht, Zoom 1:10, 6-60x
Vision Engineering
LynxEVO, EVO501, Head, Zoomkörper, Ergo-Stativ, Ringlicht, Zoom 1:10, 6-60x
$ 14.600,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Motic Fotocamera 1080N, color, CMOS, 1/2.8", 2.9 µm, 6 MP, 30 fps, HDMI, USB 2.0
Fotocamera 1080N, color, CMOS, 1/2.8", 2.9 µm, 6 MP, 30 fps, HDMI, USB 2.0
$ 1.430,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Motic Microscopio stereo zoom GM-168, bino, 7,5-50x, wd 113mm
Microscopio stereo zoom GM-168, bino, 7,5-50x, wd 113mm
$ 3.340,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Euromex Microscopio MacroZoom MZ.5000 Digital, Zoom 0.7x-5x, 1080p, 11.6"
Microscopio MacroZoom MZ.5000 Digital, Zoom 0.7x-5x, 1080p, 11.6"
$ 2.880,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite Flexibel B, ME-FlexB, Bodenstativ mit Gelenkarm, Kopf, Auflicht, LED, 2-20x, o.  Objektiv
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite Flexibel B, ME-FlexB, Bodenstativ mit Gelenkarm, Kopf, Auflicht, LED, 2-20x, o. Objektiv
$ 10.700,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM73515MT8A, 5MP, 700-900x, 8 LED, 45/20 fps, USB 3.0
Microscopio AM73515MT8A, 5MP, 700-900x, 8 LED, 45/20 fps, USB 3.0
$ 1.870,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Optika Microscopio IS-4K2, zoom opt. 1x-18x, Autofocus, 8 MP, 4K Ultra HD, overhanging stand, 15.6" screen
Microscopio IS-4K2, zoom opt. 1x-18x, Autofocus, 8 MP, 4K Ultra HD, overhanging stand, 15.6" screen
Prezzo di vendita consigliato:  $ 3.520,00
Il nostro prezzo:
$ 3.170,00
spedibile in 24 ore
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHDVF-UNI, Universalstativ, Auflicht, Kamera, 2MP, Vifox SW, o. Objektive
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHDVF-UNI, Universalstativ, Auflicht, Kamera, 2MP, Vifox SW, o. Objektive
$ 8.500,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHDVF-TS, Säulenstativ, Auf-Durchlicht, LED, Kamera, 2MP, Vifox SW, o. Objektive
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHDVF-TS, Säulenstativ, Auf-Durchlicht, LED, Kamera, 2MP, Vifox SW, o. Objektive
$ 8.200,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Optika Microscopio IS-4K3, zoom opt. 1x-18x, Autofocus, 8 MP, 4K Ultra HD, pantograph stand, 15.6
Microscopio IS-4K3, zoom opt. 1x-18x, Autofocus, 8 MP, 4K Ultra HD, pantograph stand, 15.6
Prezzo di vendita consigliato:  $ 3.400,00
Il nostro prezzo:
$ 3.060,00
spedibile in 6-10 settimane
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHD-Uni,  Universalstativ, Auflicht, Kamera, 2MP, uEyeSW, o. Objektive
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHD-Uni, Universalstativ, Auflicht, Kamera, 2MP, uEyeSW, o. Objektive
$ 6.800,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHD-TS , Säulenstativ, Auf-Durchlicht, LED,  Kamera, 2MP, uEyeSW, o. Objektive
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite-Cam, MHD-TS , Säulenstativ, Auf-Durchlicht, LED, Kamera, 2MP, uEyeSW, o. Objektive
$ 6.600,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite Flexibel, ME-Flex, Kopf,  Auflicht LED, Gelenkarmstativ, 2-20x, o. Objektiv
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite Flexibel, ME-Flex, Kopf, Auflicht LED, Gelenkarmstativ, 2-20x, o. Objektiv
$ 6.400,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite Universal, ME-Uni, Kopf,  Auflicht, LED, Universalstativ, mit 2 -fach Revolver, 2-20x, o. Objektive
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite Universal, ME-Uni, Kopf, Auflicht, LED, Universalstativ, mit 2 -fach Revolver, 2-20x, o. Objektive
$ 5.300,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Euromex Microscopio MacroZoom MZ.4700-HDS, 8-51,4/514x, 12 LED, 60 fps, 2 MP, 4K, HDMI/USB/Wifi
Microscopio MacroZoom MZ.4700-HDS, 8-51,4/514x, 12 LED, 60 fps, 2 MP, 4K, HDMI/USB/Wifi
$ 2.570,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite TS, ME-TS, Kopf,  Auf-Durchlicht, LED, Säulenstativ, mit 2 -fach Revolver,  2-20x, o. Objektive
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Elite TS, ME-TS, Kopf, Auf-Durchlicht, LED, Säulenstativ, mit 2 -fach Revolver, 2-20x, o. Objektive
$ 4.930,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Euromex Microscopio stereo zoom NZ.1903-GEMF, 6.7x -45x, gemmologia, 30W 6V alogena trasmessa, 7W lampada fluorescente luce incidente
Microscopio stereo zoom NZ.1903-GEMF, 6.7x -45x, gemmologia, 30W 6V alogena trasmessa, 7W lampada fluorescente luce incidente
$ 2.360,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
StarLight Opto-Electronics Colonna di sostegno MSL2, mit Durch- und Auflicht (ohne LED-Module)
StarLight Opto-Electronics
Colonna di sostegno MSL2, mit Durch- und Auflicht (ohne LED-Module)
$ 1.350,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Motic Stereo Zoom Mikroskop SMZ-160-BLED, LED, 0.75x-4.5x
Stereo Zoom Mikroskop SMZ-160-BLED, LED, 0.75x-4.5x
$ 1.010,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Vision Engineering Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Compact Flexibel, MC-Flex,  Kopf, Auflicht, LED, Gelenkarmstativ,  2, 4, 6, 8x, o. Objektiv
Vision Engineering
Microscopio stereo zoom MANTIS Compact Flexibel, MC-Flex, Kopf, Auflicht, LED, Gelenkarmstativ, 2, 4, 6, 8x, o. Objektiv
$ 4.400,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Euromex NZ.1902-GEML, NexiusZoom, 6.7x to 45x, gemology , 30W 6V halogen transmitted, 1W LED incident illumination
NZ.1902-GEML, NexiusZoom, 6.7x to 45x, gemology , 30W 6V halogen transmitted, 1W LED incident illumination
$ 2.240,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM4915MZT; 1.3MP, 20-220x, 8 LED; 30 fps; USB 2.0
Microscopio AM4915MZT; 1.3MP, 20-220x, 8 LED; 30 fps; USB 2.0
$ 1.510,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM4917MZTL, 1.3MP, 10-140x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
Microscopio AM4917MZTL, 1.3MP, 10-140x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
$ 1.510,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AF4915ZT + WF-20, 1.3MP, 20-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0/WiFi
Microscopio AF4915ZT + WF-20, 1.3MP, 20-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0/WiFi
$ 1.500,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AF4915ZTL + WF-20, 1.3MP, 10-140x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0/WiFi
Microscopio AF4915ZTL + WF-20, 1.3MP, 10-140x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0/WiFi
$ 1.500,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM7515MZT2P, 5MP, 130-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
Microscopio AM7515MZT2P, 5MP, 130-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
$ 1.420,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM7515MTFP, 5MP, 45-70x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
Microscopio AM7515MTFP, 5MP, 45-70x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
$ 1.420,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Motic Microscopio stereo zoom SMZ143-N2LED, trino, LED, 10-40x, 4:1
Microscopio stereo zoom SMZ143-N2LED, trino, LED, 10-40x, 4:1
$ 820,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Motic Stereo Zoom Mikroskop SMZ-160-TLED, LED, 0.75x-4.5x
Stereo Zoom Mikroskop SMZ-160-TLED, LED, 0.75x-4.5x
$ 1.160,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM4517MZT, 1.3MP, 20-200x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
Microscopio AM4517MZT, 1.3MP, 20-200x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
$ 1.290,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM7515MZT, 5MP, 20-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
Microscopio AM7515MZT, 5MP, 20-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
$ 1.290,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM4519MZTL, 1.3MP, 10-140x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
Microscopio AM4519MZTL, 1.3MP, 10-140x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
$ 1.290,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni
Dino-Lite Microscopio AM4117MZT, 1.3MP, 20-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
Microscopio AM4117MZT, 1.3MP, 20-220x, 8 LED, 30 fps, USB 2.0
$ 1.200,00
spedibile in 3-7 giorni