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Geoptik Sleeve 180cm
Sleeve 180cm
( 5 / 5 )
$ 118.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik New Artificial star for Collimation and star test
New Artificial star for Collimation and star test
$ 129.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik Eyepiece turret 4x1.25"
Eyepiece turret 4x1.25"
$ 276.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Transport case for 8" Newtonians of up to 1000mm focal length
Transport case for 8" Newtonians of up to 1000mm focal length
$ 130.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik 260mm flat field generator
260mm flat field generator
$ 259.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik Carrying case for Hercules 70/95 tripod
Carrying case for Hercules 70/95 tripod
$ 129.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carrying case for CPC 925 and CPC 1100 telescopes
Carrying case for CPC 925 and CPC 1100 telescopes
$ 194.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik Whellbarrow handles for Nadirus
Whellbarrow handles for Nadirus
$ 281.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Filter slider for Nadirus telescope
Filter slider for Nadirus telescope
$ 183.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carry case Celestron C925
Carry case Celestron C925
$ 151.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik Carry case Transportation bag for Newton tubes/optics (up to 10")
Carry case Transportation bag for Newton tubes/optics (up to 10")
$ 227.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik Carry case Newton 150/750
Carry case Newton 150/750
$ 130.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik 5 kg counterweight (30 mm inner diameter)
5 kg counterweight (30 mm inner diameter)
$ 140.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik Carry case Bag for RC-10"
Carry case Bag for RC-10"
$ 194.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carrying case for 200mm f/4 Newtonian
Carrying case for 200mm f/4 Newtonian
$ 130.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Flat Field Controller
Flat Field Controller
$ 259.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik 372mm flat field generator
372mm flat field generator
$ 325.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Flatfield generator 308mm
Flatfield generator 308mm
$ 302.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik 5 kg  counterweight (32 mm inner diameter)
5 kg counterweight (32 mm inner diameter)
$ 140.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carry case Transportation bag for Schmidt Cassegrain tubes/optics (9 '' to 11 '')
Carry case Transportation bag for Schmidt Cassegrain tubes/optics (9 '' to 11 '')
$ 162.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carry case Transportation bag for Newton tubes/optics (up to 12 '')
Carry case Transportation bag for Newton tubes/optics (up to 12 '')
RRP:  $ 238.00
Our price:
$ 221.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Power Supply for Power Hub Varius
Power Supply for Power Hub Varius
$ 313.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Transport cases EPH 30B055 carrying case
Transport cases EPH 30B055 carrying case
RRP:  $ 301.00
Our price:
$ 256.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carry case Transportation bag for Newton tubes/optics (up to 8'')
Carry case Transportation bag for Newton tubes/optics (up to 8'')
$ 136.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik carrying case for Celestron CPC 800 or Meade 8" SC/ACF OTA
carrying case for Celestron CPC 800 or Meade 8" SC/ACF OTA
$ 183.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik New Artificial star for Refractors
New Artificial star for Refractors
$ 162.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carry case Bag for RC-10"
Carry case Bag for RC-10"
$ 205.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik AM5 Adapter
AM5 Adapter
$ 114.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Kit counterweight and shaft CPC 800
Kit counterweight and shaft CPC 800
$ 140.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carry case Padded bag for 8" SC and RC OTAs
Carry case Padded bag for 8" SC and RC OTAs
$ 129.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik 164mm flat field generator
164mm flat field generator
$ 216.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik T2 adapter for Canon EOS lenses
T2 adapter for Canon EOS lenses
$ 151.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Geoptik 10 kg counterweight (32 mm inner diameter)
10 kg counterweight (32 mm inner diameter)
$ 173.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik 210mm flat field generator
210mm flat field generator
$ 233.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik Carry case Transportation bag for Schmidt Cassegrain tubes/optics (to 8 '')
Carry case Transportation bag for Schmidt Cassegrain tubes/optics (to 8 '')
$ 151.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Geoptik 5 kg  counterweight (25 mm inner diameter)
5 kg counterweight (25 mm inner diameter)
$ 151.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks