The TS UCF 1 is an allrounder - suitable for the beginner and also for the advanced amateur astronomer.
It is simply screwed into the filter thread of an 1.25" eyepiece. This filter has plano-parallel surfaces and an anti-reflective coating. Thus guarantees good contrast and sharpness.
Field of use - some examples:
- Jupiter & Saturn: significant contrast enhancement on reddish detail, the "great red spot" appears more clearly - same as with other red structures in the planet's atmospheres. In opposite to simple colour filters, the objects do not appear extremely coloured.
- Mars: general contrast enhancement, the polar ice caps become better visible. Detail on the planet's surface can be observed more easily.
- Moon: significant contrast enhancement - especially detail on the terminator become better visible.
- Twilight observation: general contrast enhancement, the sky's bluish part is reduced.
- Daytime observation: also here, general contrast enhancement is visible. The target object gets no significant colour shifting.
- Observation of deep-sky nebulae: of course the TS UCF 1 cannot be compared with a standard nebula filter but it also gives more contrast especially for reddish H-alpha-structures. The background becomes darker. Very recommended for teleskopes with smaller apertures where standard nebula filters take too much light. The picture remains natural.
The effect of the TS UCF 1:
The pair of lunar pictures illustrates the effect of the TS UCF1. The picture gets no false colour but a contrast enhancement is clearly visible.
TS Optics is a brand of Teleskop-Service.