Gameking riflescopes are designed for today’s hunters. Introduced in 2008, this range encompasses riflescopes up to powerful variable models.
The range of Gameking variable zoom magnifications allow hunters greater flexibility in their hunting. Now you can simply adjust the zoom according to the conditions as you move through the hunting terrain. When the forest is thickest and the game is closer you can easily move the zoom to the lowest setting.
This has the result of increasing your field of view so that the target can easily be seen without delay. Later when you move to more open fields the quick adjustment of the zoom will allow accurate shots on the furthest targets. Put simply, more hunting opportunities in a single scope!
Features of the Gameking include:
- High Grade lenses -Suitable for optical clarity enhancement allowing you greater contrast in the field.
- Optical Coatings -Coatings designed to reduce the reflection of light as it passes through your riflescope to your eye. Early morning and twilight hunting is greatly improved.
- Adjustable Objectives -Parallax and fine focus are critical on riflescopes used to hunt game over a large range of distances. As these scopes are designed to increase your hunting capabilities, we have built into most models an adjustable objective system of parallax correction and fine focus, which many hunters use for range estimation.
- Finger adjustable Bezel -Under the watertight adjustment caps you find accurate finger adjustable bezels for quickly adjusting the windage and elevation in your scope.
- Illuminated models -All illuminated scopes have glass reticle. Glass etched Mil Dot reticles provide crisp illumination without glare that can blind the hunter in low light. The illumination is easily adjusted for brightness allowing use in daylight or twilight.