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Microscopy > Microscopy accessories > Miscellaneous > Evident Olympus > Evident Olympus Dual-observation attachment with LED arrow pointer - U-DO3-1-7
Product no.: 71250

Dual-observation attachment with LED arrow pointer - U-DO3-1-7

$ 4,540.00 incl. VAT plus shipping costs
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Product description

Dual-pberservation attachment with moveable LED arrow pointer (N5742400).

The arrow pointer is controllable by both viewers.

  • Selectable color (red or green) of the arrow pointer.
  • Compatible with CX41, CX43, BX41, BX43, BX45, BX46, BX51, BX53 and BX61 microscope stands.
  • The power supply unit is included in the scope of delivery.



supplier product number

Product safety

Manufacturer: Evident Europe GmbH, Caffamacherreihe 8–10, 20355 Hamburg, DE, https://www.evidentscientific.com/

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