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Astronomia > Accessori Telescopi > Astrofotografia > Guida > Telescopi guida > TS Optics > TS Optics Guidescope AC 80/600

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TS Optics AC 80/600 guide scope in adjustable rings with 3" dovetail clamps

The alternative to off-axis guiding. With suitable auto-guiders, telescopes with apertures up to 300 mm can easily be guided. For best adjusting stability, telescope and adjustable rings are completely made of metal.

Complete set consisting of guide scope rings, 80/600mm refractor with 1.25" focuser and 3" Losmandy level dovetail clamps

  • The guide scope fits to all Losmandy level dovetail bars
  • The focuser is very stable. The drawtube is adjustable and the focus position can be locked with a set screw.
  • The focuser accepts 1.25" accessories and T2 accessories
  • The guide scope rings are made of metal and have 125 mm inner diameter
  • Each of both guide scope rings has a Losmandy level dovetail clamp for easy adaption to telescopes
  • Handy knurled set screws on the tube rings make finding a guide star easy
  • At the end of the set screws are plastic inlays for preventing the tube from being scratched

The telescope: The refractor uses an achromatic high-quality lens with 80 mm aperture. The two-element objective offers a well-corrected image and allows magnifications up to 200x. You can use the refractor as guide scope, but also as universal telescope for moon, planets and nebulae. It is also well suited for daytime use.

Focusing and focus: The focuser offers 60 mm adjustment range for focusing. The focus is located quite a distance behind the focuser.

  • For 1.25" crosshair or normal eyepieces, you need a star diagonal.
  • Straight T2 connection (for auto guider or cameras) - we recommend 2x 40 mm T2 extension tubes - everything is screwed together
  • Straight 1.25" connection (for auto guiders with 1.25" barrel) we recommend 1x 40 mm T2 extension tube and 1x adapter from T2 to 1.25"



Connessione (lato oculare)
1,25" & T2
Rapporto d'apertura (f/)
Lunghezza focale (mm)
Rivestimento dell'ottica
Diametro dell'obiettivo (mm)


Anelli da guida
Slitta a coda di rondine


Tecnica di fabbricazione

Sicurezza del prodotto

Produttore: Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH, Von-Myra-Straße 8, 85599 Parsdorf, DE, www.teleskop-express.de

Accessori raccomandati

Astronomia (2)

Omegon Prolunga Anello di estensione T2 40mm T2i/T2a

$ 24,90*

*Tutti i prezzi includono IVA e costi di spedizione.

TS Optics Guidescope AC 80/600
TS Optics Guidescope AC 80/600
TS Optics Guidescope AC 80/600
TS Optics Guidescope AC 80/600
TS Optics Guidescope AC 80/600

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