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Prodotto n.: 68345

Fotocamera Aluma AC4040 Class 1

$ 20.100,00 IVA incl. più spese di spedizione
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The SBIG Aluma AC Series represents the state-of-the-art in Advanced Scientific CMOS cameras for astronomical imaging systems. The camera’s advanced design permits high speed download via the USB 3.0 connection to the control computer.
The Aluma AC4040 uses the Gpixel GSENSE4040 CMOS sensor with 16.8 million pixels at 9 microns. The sensor measures almost 37mm square. The Aluma AC series has powerful two stage cooling and supports optional water cooling. Aluma AC cameras can be operated directly from a 12VDC 8A power supply.

The Aluma AC4040 scientific CMOS camera features StackPro™, a revolutionary feature that performs image stacking inside the camera.
CMOS sensors often have more limited well depth and bit depth than their CCD predecessors. At the same time, the modern CMOS sensors have much lower read noise than the equivalent CCD. This low read noise can be used to advantage, by stacking many shorter exposures to achieve the same final result. This does however result in a lot of extra disk usage and post-processing.
StackPro™ performs the stacking automatically, inside the camera. It automatically subdivides your exposure into up to 16 individual subexposures, and stacks them inside the camera prior to download. This eliminates the excessive amounts of data cluttering up your hard drive. Stacking can also be used as an alternative to HDR mode.

HDR Mode
The sensor in the AC4040 is capable of operating in HDR mode, where high-gain and low-gain images are read out simultaneously. Our included MaxIm LT software features an HDR merge feature, which greatly simplifies the process of producing clean, highly linear images.

Superior Cooling
Proven pin heatsink design shared with industry leading STX series cameras gets the heat out while providing low vibration. Includes SmartCooling™ intelligent thermoelectric cooling and fan operation.

User Rechargeable Desiccant
SBIG pioneered including a high-tech user-replaceable cartridge with ceramic filter and molecular sieve desiccant. Unlike competing cameras, which require factory service when their chamber desiccant eventually saturates out, the user can easily recharge the desiccant. This eliminates the need for costly service – not to mention the associated down-time and shipping costs. This feature is especially important in high-humidity locations.

Electronic and Mechanical Shutters
The GSENSE CMOS sensor has an electronic rolling shutter. In addition the Aluma AC series cameras include a mechanical shutter to enable convenient dark-frame subtraction for optimal performance and sensitivity. This is essential for remote/robotic operation.

USB 3.0 Interface
The Aluma AC includes a USB 3.0 interface port for high speed downloads. For installations where longer cable lengths are required, the port is also compatible with USB 2.0.

MaxIm LT Software
All SBIG cameras come with our MaxIm LT software – a $200 value! MaxIm LT is a special version of our venerable MaxIm DL software that provides complete control of your camera, filter wheel, and autoguider, plus advanced image processing capabilities. If you wish you can upgrade to MaxIm DL Pro to get complete observatory integration and even more processing and analysis capabilities.

Included Accessories
All Aluma AC cameras include a deluxe carrying case, universal power supply, Aluma AC4040 power extension cable, USB 3.0 cable, and MaxIm LT software.



Tipo di sensore
Chip CMOS (Gpixel GSENSE4040)
Dimensioni del chip (mm)
36.8 x 36.8
Dimensione pixel
Risoluzione foto
4096 x 4096
Profondità di bit (Bit)
Camera a colori
Differenza max. di raffreddamento sotto la temperatura ambiente
Tempo di esposizione max. (min)
Rumore di lettura
Full Well Capacity
74 000
Distanza piano focale e flangia (mm)
diagonale chip (mm)
Innesto camera

Campi di utilizzo

Nebulose e Galassie

Sicurezza del prodotto

Produttore: SBIG - via nimax Spain S.L.U., DE, https://www.sbig.com/

Accessori raccomandati

Astronomia (3)

Paton Hawksley Spettroscopio Star Analyser 100

$ 203,00*

*Tutti i prezzi includono IVA e costi di spedizione.

SBIG Fotocamera Aluma AC4040 Class 1
SBIG Fotocamera Aluma AC4040 Class 1

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