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Prodotto n.: 54346

Spettroscopio eShel sistema completo

$ 23.100,00 IVA incl. più spese di spedizione
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a breve termine
spedibile in 1-2 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

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Complete optical fibre fed echelle spectroscope for astronomy:

  • echelle spectroscope R>10000 (including 85mm f/1.8 lens)
  • Fibre Injection & Guiding Unit F/6
  • Object fibre 50µm, 20m length
  • Calibration fibre 200µm, 20m length
  • Thorium-Argon calibration unit
  • cables and power supplies for standard european main supply (220V)

Simply add a telescope, an acquisition CCD camera, a guiding video camera and a computer!

eShel is your complete echelle spectroscopy solution for your astronomical projects. It is based on Shelyak's strong experience in spectroscopy (with design and manufacturing of the Lhires III and Lhires Lite) and nights of observations including with MuSiCoS & Narval spectroscopes. This practical experience helped Shelyak to design a robust and productive solution in the field.

Shelyak designed the spectroscope with Christian Buil, a higly recognized optician expert. The software module has been written by Michel Pujol, an expert in Tcl/Tk and AudeLA platform. They both complement Shelyak's expertise to bring you the best solution in echelle spectroscopy for astronomy!

Choice of optical fibre has been made to increase radial velocities measurement accuracy and for a better confort in using the eShel.

The complete eShel solution is made of four major modules:

Fiber Injection & Guiding Unit

  • M42 T-adapter telescope interface
  • Backfocus 43mm
  • Miror with light going through a 50µm hole for the f/6 standard version (a 75µm f/9 version exists - contact us for details)
  • Calibration fiber input (remote controlled mirror position)
  • Fibre optics: 50µm object fiber, 200µm calibration fiber, fibers protected by metal/plastic casing, FC fiber connectors
  • Guiding camera (C-mount)

Calibration Unit

  • Thorium-Argon lamp with high voltage power supply for precise calibration
  • Flat lamp for echelle order geometry and blaze processing
  • Electronic to control remotely calibration frame acquisition

echelle spectroscope

  • Cross-dispersed echelle spectroscope: f=125mm collimator (f/5), R2 high efficiency echelle grating, coated prism cross-disperser, 85mm f/1.8 objective
  • Compact
  • High power of resolution R=10000
  • Visible domain (around 450-700nm)
  • Optimized for large telescope (50µm fiber)


  • Easy to use
  • Open source, based on AudeLA platform and Tcl/Tk language
  • work on MS Windows platform
  • multi-language support
  • Remote-controlled operations
  • Automatic spectra reduction procedure after acquisition
  • FITS file support with multiple HDU
  • Export individual orders or merged spectrum




Sicurezza del prodotto

Produttore: Shelyak Instruments, Les Roussets, 38420 Revel, FR, http://www.shelyak.com

Accessori raccomandati

Astronomia (1)

Shelyak Thorium-Argon-Bulb

$ 1.090,00*

*Tutti i prezzi includono IVA e costi di spedizione.

Shelyak Spettroscopio eShel sistema completo
Compreso nella spedizione
Shelyak Spettroscopio eShel sistema completo
Esempio d'uso

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