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Prodotto n.: 58219

supporto filtri FXS

a breve termine
spedibile in 3-5 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

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The Filter Switch allows you to view any deepsky object unfiltered, or with filters instantly. You never need to move away from the Binotron 27 Eyepieces! This option can be added to our S2 or R1 Power Switch Star Diagonals, or The Binotron 27 itself. Focus is not an issue when the Filter Switch is added to a Binotron 27 used with Newtonians or with The Binotron 27 SCT Super System where it is also added to the Binoviewer. The Filter Switch can be added to R1 or S2 as well.

The Filter Switch includes two internal 2" Filter Carriers. These can be quickly slided out of the Switch housing. Add extra 2" Carriers if you want to use more than two 2" Filters. Add an extra 2" Carrier and a 1.25" Setpdown carrier for any 1.25" filter that youn plan to use. NOte: Stacked polarizing filters are too thick to use in this system.

The images shows the Filter Switch attached to a Binotron 27 Super System and also an S2 Power Switch Star Diagonal (These are not included with a Filter Switch order).


Sicurezza del prodotto

Produttore: Antares Products/Denkmeier Optical LLC, 100 Pinehurst Road, MD 21811 Berlin, US, www.denkmeier.com
Persona responsabile: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE, [email protected]
Denkmeier supporto filtri FXS

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