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Astronomia > Accessori Telescopi > Lenti di Barlow > Lenti di Barlow > APM > APM Lente di Barlow ED 6,25x 1,25"
Prodotto n.: 73353

Lente di Barlow ED 6,25x 1,25"

a breve termine
spedibile in 1-2 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

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Photo-visual apochromatic 2.7x Barlow with real ED glass, calculated for the correction of Off-Axis Coma at Newtonian telescopes

  • On its own, a single barlow lens cell has a magnification factor of 2.7x and will provide a fully illuminated imaging field of 26 mm at a back focus of 104.1 mm (measured from the shoulder of the lens cell). It is optimized for F/4 Newtonian type telescopes and when used with such also offers coma correction. This is particularly useful for manual Alt-Az Dobsonian users who can enjoy a coma free view of objects as they drift across the field of view.
  • To use the barlow in a 6.25x configuration, simply add a second 2.7x lens cell to the other end of the extension so there is a lens at each end. This configuration yields a corrected field of 14mm at a distance of 83.1mm from the shoulder of the lens cell (84mm from the centre of the last element).

    The double Barlow permits very high magnification with Newtonian telescopes for planetary imaging while still retaining a respectably low F ratio needed for high frame rates. Simply set your camera sensor back 83.1mm from the shoulder of the last lens cell to have the correct back focus for imaging.

    The design of each single Barlow element follows APM’s usual principles of outstanding optical quality. It features a double lense group using the Chinese ED glas FK61 (similar to Ohara FPL51). The lenses are soft cemented and applied on both sides with a broadband multicoating with over 99 % transmission for wavelength from 400 nm to 700 nm.



Adatto per telescopi
Newton f/4 - f/6
Connessione (lato telescopio)
Connessione (lato oculare)
Prolungamento della lunghezza focale
Quantità di lenti
Backfocus (mm)
Rivestimento dell'ottica
Filetto per filtro
Campo completamente corretto (mm)
Morsetto ad anello


Lenti di Barlow
Tecnica di fabbricazione
Lente di Barlow
Peso (g)


Sicurezza del prodotto

Produttore: APM Telescopes - Markus Ludes, Quierschieder Weg 38, 66280 Sulzbach, DE, www.apm-telescopes.de
APM Lente di Barlow ED 6,25x 1,25"

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