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Prodotto n.: 57353

Il Sole e i suoi amici

Prezzo di vendita consigliato: $ 367,00 Il nostro prezzo:
$ 327,00 IVA incl. più spese di spedizione
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a breve termine
spedibile in 1-2 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

Purtroppo, questa descrizione non è stato tradotto in italiano, in modo da trovare a questo punto una descrizione inglese.

Collect all Celestial Buddies and benefit from the favourable set price!

With this set you get:

  • Celestial Buddies The Sun
  • The Eight Planets Celestial Buddies Mercury, Celestial Buddies Venus, Celestial Buddies Earth, Celestial Buddies Mars, Celestial Buddies Jupiter, Celestial Buddies Saturn, Celestial Buddies Uranus, Celestial Buddies Neptune
  • The dwarf planet duo Celestial Buddies Pluto and Charon ,
  • as well as the Celestial Buddies Moon and
  • Celestial Buddies Comet

A beautiful set for collectors, but also for kindergardens, observatories and other educational institutions that teach children about our solar system.

Celestial Buddies is an original line of plush characters each personifying a celestial body occupying our heavens. The Celestial Buddies' "Big Bang" moment occurred after the creator of this miniature stuffed universe saw a documentary series on the Solar System and realized that there were no plush toys depicted our planetary neighbors. So she set to work, and Celestial Buddies is the result.

Have you ever noticed that there is so much variation among the planets and that each has its own unique characteristics, identity and personality? They have designed each Celestial Buddy to stay true to these unique variations through careful selection of fabrics and decisions regarding size, shape and features to create an artistic interpretation of each celestial body. Each character comes with a tag showing the actual object it personifies, along with some vital statistics and fun facts to give the Buddy educational value.

So is your ideal Buddy energetic, playful with a sunny disposition, like our Sun? Cool and calm with a zest for life, like Earth? Feisty and friendly, like Mars? Or a loyal companion, like the Moon?

Celestial Buddies conquer the world - and space!

On Saturday, March 2, 2019, SpaceX launched its Crew Dragon Rocket toward the International Space Station. On board was Celestial Buddies’ own Earth, which SpaceX founder Elon Musk dubbed a “super high tech zero-g indicator.”

Originally the Buddy was intended as a test body to observe the weightlessness during the unmanned test flight. So now it's official: the Celestial Buddies live up to their name!



Età minima
Planetary Plush

Sicurezza del prodotto

Produttore: Marko, Śl. ul. Rybnicka 2D, 44-300 Wodzisław, PL, www.marko-baby.pl
Celestial Buddies Il Sole e i suoi amici
Celestial Buddies Il Sole e i suoi amici

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