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Astronomia > Accessori Telescopi > Torrette Binoculare > Accessori > Denkmeier > Denkmeier OCS Bino Cell 1.25" Solarmax
Prodotto n.: 70608

OCS Bino Cell 1.25" Solarmax

a breve termine
spedibile in 3-5 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

Purtroppo, questa descrizione non è stato tradotto in italiano, in modo da trovare a questo punto una descrizione inglese.

1.25" #150 OCS Cell For Coronado BF 1.25" Diagonals

This includes the necessary 1.25" Optical Doublet in cell that threads to the telescope-side of your 1.25" Blocking Filter Diagonal used in the Coronado Line of H-Alpha telescopes such as the Solarmax 60 and 90.

It must be in place for all Denkmeier Binoviewers to reach focus. All Denkmeier Binoviewers with Power Switches will operate at three magniciations of approximately 1.3X/2.5X/3X depending on the model of Denk that you have. If there is no Power Switch, only one 2.5X factor will result. If added to a new Binotron 27 Order, this product will include a 1.25" nosepiece which threads into the Binotron 27 Power Switch threaded intake after all 2" tubes are threaded off.

Note: This product will not work for Lunt H-Alpha scopes, DayStar or Solarscope UK models!



Connessione (lato oculare)
Connessione (lato opposto)


Tecnica di fabbricazione

Campi di utilizzo

Osservazione diurna e al crepuscolo

Sicurezza del prodotto

Produttore: Antares Products/Denkmeier Optical LLC, 100 Pinehurst Road, MD 21811 Berlin, US, www.denkmeier.com
Persona responsabile: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE, [email protected]
Denkmeier OCS Bino Cell 1.25" Solarmax
Denkmeier OCS Bino Cell 1.25" Solarmax

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