The alternative to all adjustment methods on the market! Now the center of the secondary is being taken into account (without a mark in the center). The adjustment is being done with the fully illuminated focuser. Even the Newtonian offset is concidered. Easy and self describing adjustment process without complicated manual. You see what You get!
The Concenter contains of a Chesire-like tube with the big dfference of a special made disk with rings on it.
The adjustment process uses the edge if the secondary mirror which means that also the Offset is being taken into account. This is much more precise than a laser as it covers the entire field and not just the center.
The Concenter uses the film container method supplemented by the concentric rings. The adjustment can be done on daytime and also at dawn, just a little bit of rest illumination is necessary.
Note: Your collimation takes the offset of the telescope into account (mechanicly solved offset assumed). If you already have a center mark on your secondary mirror, it is not visible in the center of the concentric rings but shifted by the offset. Only if you have a pre-calculated offset mark on your secondary, it appears centric in the concentric rings.