Product series:
There are few things that are more fun than the contemplation of the night sky through large apertures with both eyes. With its binocular telescopes (BT), the Japanese manufacturer Vixen offers large binoculars for astronomy.
When viewed with both eyes, many objects appear more plastic - this is especially noticeable with star clusters. The large field of view allows the observation of large structures together with their setting. By changing the eyepieces, you can either view large star fields or, at high magnification, more compact star clusters and globular star clusters.

Binoculars BT 126 SS-A Binocular Telescope
$ 4,720.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Binoculars BT 126 SS-A Binocular Telescope Set
$ 5,500.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Binoculars BT-81S-A
$ 1,420.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Binoculars BT-81S-A Binocular Telescope Set
$ 2,230.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.04.2025