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Astronomy > Telescope accessories > Barlow & Erecting Lenses > Barlow Lenses > Explore Scientific > Explore Scientific Barlow Lens 3x2" focal extender
( 2 / 5 )
Product no.: 60867

Barlow Lens 3x2" focal extender

$ 212.00 incl. VAT plus shipping costs
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Product description

With teleextenders it is possible to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for the observation of the moon, the planets or small Deep-Sky objects with the same eyepieces. So you can use the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal length - such as the bigger eye distance and the more relaxed observing comfort - at high magnifications also.

These teleextenders incorporate a telecentric optical design that deliveres a excellent image sharpness over the whole field of view and are premium choices for visual observations and astrophotography. The combination of excellent fully multicoating with superior optical design makes the Focal Extenders superior to classic Barlow lenses.



Number of lenses
Coating of optical system
Connection ( to eyepiece)
Connection (to the telescope)
Magnification factor

Special features

Filter thread
Ring clamp


Eyepiece adaptor
2" / 1.25"


Length (mm)
Diameter (mm)
Weight (g)

Product safety

Manufacturer: Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede, DE, www.bresser.de
Explore Scientific Barlow Lens 3x2" focal extender
Explore Scientific Barlow Lens 3x2" focal extender
Explore Scientific Barlow Lens 3x2" focal extender

Customer reviews

Way too dark

Review by J. H. on 05.10.2021 22:32:06

( 2 / 5 )

At first glance this was seems like a well constructed solid piece of equipment.

With Barlow's an element of dimming is to be expected. I had hoped to use this to my advantage with very bright planets

However, the use of this Barlow made everything so dim I first had to double-check I took the cap off?

I pointed my scope directly at super-bright Jupiter (using 23mm Celestron 2" eyepiece and Barlow) and it was just a brown smudge when in focus. Tried viewing Saturn also, using 1,25 and 2" eyepieces with the barlow. You can make out the planet and rings, but every piece of detail is so dim as to be completely lost.

Very disappointed.

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