Product series:
Vixen offers a number of single-arm mounts with a slipper clutch under the brand name Porta. These very functional and solidly-built mounts are a very good basis for small optics weighing up to 3 kilogrammes.
Vixen offers its Porta mounts in combination with suitable lens- and mirror telescopes.

Telescope AC 80/910 A80Mf Porta-II
$ 650.00
Our price:
$ 620.00

Telescope AP 80/600 ED80Sf Porta-II
$ 1,410.00

Telescope AC 70/900 A70Lf Mobile Porta
$ 442.00
Our price:
$ 405.00

Telescope N 130/650 R130Sf Porta-II
$ 650.00
AC 70/900 A70Lf
The AC70/900 refractor telescope is especially recommended for beginners. It allows high levels of magnification with few colour defects and is therefore very well suited to observing the Moon and planets.
Thanks to the image-correcting erecting lenses, they are also suitable for nature observation. Refractor telescopes are also stable once aligned, and very robust.
Vixen Porta
The Porta series of mounts are designed for small optics. They have high-quality roller bearings with an adjustable slipper clutch. This allows the optics to be quickly adjusted to the desired object.
The fine adjustment is made using rotary knobs, which sensitively adjusts the optics in elevation and azimuth, each by means of a worm gear.
The mount is very light and compact and therefore perfect for travelling.