Product series:
Telescope and mount with integrated WLAN and encoder technology
This altazimuth mount is very light and compact. Despite its small size, the AZ-GTi can carry optics weighing up to 5 kilograms and has its own GoTo control. You can connect the mount to an app (SynScan for Android and iOS) over the integrated WLAN, and automatically track your chosen celestial object with your telescope or camera. In contrast to AZ-GTe, this mount is equipped with a patented encoder technology (FreedomFind), which never loses its orientation, even if you move the optics manually.

Maksutov telescope MC 127/1500 SkyMax-127 AZ-GTi GoTo WiFi
$ 840.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Maksutov telescope MC 102/1300 SkyMax-102 AZ-GTi GoTo WiFi
$ 690.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Telescope N 130/650 Explorer-130PS AZ-GTi GoTo WiFi
$ 650.00
ready for shipping in 1-2