The young brand LUNT SOLAR SYSTEMS manufactures solar telescopes for the h-alpha and calcium ranges. These telescopes are not optimised for the entire spectrum, but for 656 nm in H-alpha or for 393 nm in the calcium-K wavelength. LUNT SOLAR SYSTEMS offers complete solar telescopes at attractive prices, but you can also buy individual filters to turn your existing device into a solar telescope.

Lunt Solar Systems
Focuser Conversion kit for LS100MT
$ 411.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Lunt Solar Systems
Focuser conversion kit for LS130MT
$ 650.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Lunt Solar Systems
Adaptors LS60/80T to Feather-Touch focuser
$ 71.00
ready for shipping in 1-2

Lunt Solar Systems
Focuser Conversion kit for LS80MT
$ 464.00
ready for shipping in 1-2