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ASToptics Bahtinov focus mask 200 for 212mm to 252mm OTAs
Bahtinov focus mask 200 for 212mm to 252mm OTAs
$ 43.90
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
Toscanoptics Correction plate SC 8"
Correction plate SC 8"
$ 540.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Omegon Adaptors Adapter of 2'' on T2, optical path only 3 mm
Adaptors Adapter of 2'' on T2, optical path only 3 mm
( 5 / 5 )
$ 34.90
Product can be shipped as of 15.05.2025
TeleVue Standard T-Ring adapter for 2.4" connection
Standard T-Ring adapter for 2.4" connection
$ 64.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
ASToptics M54 (male) to T2 (female) adapter
M54 (male) to T2 (female) adapter
$ 32.90
Product can be shipped as of 01.06.2025
TeleVue Camera adaptor Canon wide T adapter with bayonet connector for 2.4" connection
Camera adaptor Canon wide T adapter with bayonet connector for 2.4" connection
RRP:  $ 107.00
Our price:
$ 97.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Omegon M48 male to T2 male
M48 male to T2 male
( 5 / 5 )
$ 14.90
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
Vixen Reducer HD
Reducer HD
$ 377.00
Product can be shipped as of 13.06.2025
DayStar T2 adapter for QUARK filter
T2 adapter for QUARK filter
$ 107.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
Hotech 1.25" SCA T adapter
1.25" SCA T adapter
RRP:  $ 97.00
Our price:
$ 76.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
ASToptics Bahtinov focus mask 100 for 109mm to 145mm diameters
Bahtinov focus mask 100 for 109mm to 145mm diameters
$ 26.90
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
ASToptics Bahtinov focus mask 60 for 67mm to 87mm diameters
Bahtinov focus mask 60 for 67mm to 87mm diameters
$ 21.90
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
Omegon Nosepiece 2" ver 2 (M48 to 2")
Nosepiece 2" ver 2 (M48 to 2")
$ 24.90
Product can be shipped as of 15.05.2025
Omegon Camera adaptor T2-Ring compatible with Canon EOS
Camera adaptor T2-Ring compatible with Canon EOS
( 4 / 5 )
$ 19.90
Product can be shipped as of 15.05.2025
ASToptics Bahtinov focus mask 80 for 86mm to 105mm OTAs
Bahtinov focus mask 80 for 86mm to 105mm OTAs
$ 21.90
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
TeleVue Flip-Mirror only
Flip-Mirror only
$ 43.90
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Askar Vollformat Reducer für FRA600
Vollformat Reducer für FRA600
$ 530.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.05.2025
ZWO Camera Kamera ASI 585 MM Mono
Camera Kamera ASI 585 MM Mono
$ 620.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks
Baader Camera adaptor T2/Nikon Z & S52 Wide-T
Camera adaptor T2/Nikon Z & S52 Wide-T
$ 36.90
Product can be shipped as of 01.06.2025
TS Optics Adapter EOS for TSOAG9 & 16 (camera side)
TS Optics
Adapter EOS for TSOAG9 & 16 (camera side)
$ 31.90
Product can be shipped as of 01.06.2025
TeleVue Camera adaptor PMT-4201 T-Ring adapter
Camera adaptor PMT-4201 T-Ring adapter
RRP:  $ 140.00
Our price:
$ 132.00
ready for shipping in 6-10 weeks