In 1984, the programmer Stephen Bisque founded a software company in Golden, Colorado (USA). Besides financial software, Stephen Bisque also developed the astronomy programme TheSky. This very advanced software makes it possible to control large telescopes and so the next step for Stephen Bisque was, perhaps logically, the development of astronomical mounts.
Paramount mounts together with Software Bisque’s TheSky control are an ideal solution for observatories, be it for the private garden observatory, an astronomical society observatory or for professional institutions.

Software Bisque
Pier Adapter MyT
$ 357.00
ready for shipping in 24

Software Bisque
Versa-Plate mounting plate for Paramount ME mount
$ 1,830.00
ready for shipping in 3-6

Software Bisque
Mounting Plate
$ 950.00
ready for shipping in 3-6

Software Bisque
Paramount ME Lightweight Wedge to Pier Adaptor Plate
$ 497.00
ready for shipping in 3-6
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