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William Optics Polar wedge Low Latitude SkyGuide Pro
William Optics
Polar wedge Low Latitude SkyGuide Pro
RRP:  $ 388.00
Our price:
$ 367.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Artesky Mount AZ Belt 1
Mount AZ Belt 1
$ 376.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
iOptron Pole finder iPolar electronic polarscope for CGEM/NEQ6/AZ-EQ6
Pole finder iPolar electronic polarscope for CGEM/NEQ6/AZ-EQ6
$ 474.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
iOptron Mount Montierung SkyHunter EQ GoTo ohne Stativ
Mount Montierung SkyHunter EQ GoTo ohne Stativ
$ 510.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
iOptron Electronic polar finder iPolar for the CEM120
Electronic polar finder iPolar for the CEM120
$ 367.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
iOptron Electronic polar finder iPolar for the CEM60
Electronic polar finder iPolar for the CEM60
$ 410.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
PrimaLuceLab Tube clamps PLUS 150mm
Tube clamps PLUS 150mm
$ 384.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Skywatcher Mount Skytee 2
Mount Skytee 2
$ 367.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
QHY PoleMaster electronic polar finder, without mounting adapter
PoleMaster electronic polar finder, without mounting adapter
$ 362.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Skywatcher Column tripod with suitable connection for HEQ-5 mount
Column tripod with suitable connection for HEQ-5 mount
$ 405.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
iOptron Hand Controller Go2Nova 8407+
Hand Controller Go2Nova 8407+
RRP:  $ 510.00
Our price:
$ 480.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Mount MiniTrack LX Quattro NS SET (with Ball-Head + Polar-Wedge)
Mount MiniTrack LX Quattro NS SET (with Ball-Head + Polar-Wedge)
$ 419.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.08.2025
Omegon Mount MiniTrack LX4 Quattro NS SET (with Ball-Head)
Mount MiniTrack LX4 Quattro NS SET (with Ball-Head)
$ 319.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.08.2025
QHY PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Skywatcher EQ-8 mount
PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Skywatcher EQ-8 mount
$ 362.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
ADM Dual Saddle Plate XL for Skywatcher EQ-6R PRO mount
Dual Saddle Plate XL for Skywatcher EQ-6R PRO mount
$ 368.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Baader Stronghold tangential assembly (black)
Stronghold tangential assembly (black)
$ 373.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
ASToptics HD DUAL Losmandy and Vixen, 355mm
HD DUAL Losmandy and Vixen, 355mm
$ 520.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Skywatcher Column tripod with suitable connection for EQ-6  mount
Column tripod with suitable connection for EQ-6 mount
$ 405.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
iOptron Hand Controller Go2Nova 8408
Hand Controller Go2Nova 8408
$ 334.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
PegasusAstro Saddle Powerbox NYX-101
Saddle Powerbox NYX-101
$ 489.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
QHY PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Losmandy G11 mount
PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Losmandy G11 mount
$ 362.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
QHY PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Celestron CGEM II mount
PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Celestron CGEM II mount
$ 362.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Vixen Mount Polarie Star Tracker
Mount Polarie Star Tracker
$ 453.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
ADM Dual Prism clamp Vixen/Losmandy for Celestron AVX
Dual Prism clamp Vixen/Losmandy for Celestron AVX
$ 349.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
iOptron Pole finder iPolar electronic polarscope for CEM26/GEM28
Pole finder iPolar electronic polarscope for CEM26/GEM28
$ 399.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Pro Column for Mounts and Binoculars
Pro Column for Mounts and Binoculars
RRP:  $ 689.00
Our price:
$ 479.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Vixen Pole finder Polarie U PF-L II
Pole finder Polarie U PF-L II
$ 351.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Software Bisque Counterweight for mounting ME/ME II/MX/MyT mounts, 4.5kg
Software Bisque
Counterweight for mounting ME/ME II/MX/MyT mounts, 4.5kg
RRP:  $ 770.00
Our price:
$ 482.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Berlebach Mount Omega Spica AZ
Mount Omega Spica AZ
$ 530.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
QHY PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Skywatcher HEQ-5 mount
PoleMaster electronic polar finder for Skywatcher HEQ-5 mount
$ 362.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Software Bisque Pier Adapter MyT
Software Bisque
Pier Adapter MyT
$ 356.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Artesky Mount AZ Belt 2
Mount AZ Belt 2
( 2 / 5 )
$ 445.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Bresser Camera mount
Camera mount
$ 453.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
iOptron Pole finder Electronic Polarscope iPolar for SkyTracker Pro
Pole finder Electronic Polarscope iPolar for SkyTracker Pro
$ 334.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
iOptron Go2Nova 8411 HAE29/HAE69
Go2Nova 8411 HAE29/HAE69
$ 334.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
iOptron AZ Pro Bino Adapter
AZ Pro Bino Adapter
$ 510.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
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