Product series:
The WA series of eyepieces from TS Optics offer a significant wide-angle effect, but only require 5 lenses. They are a further development of the classic Erfle eyepiece design.
A major advantage of TS WA eyepieces is their compact format. This, together with their lightweight construction, make them an ideal choice for telescopes with simple focusers.

TS Optics
Eyepiece WA 70° 17mm 1.25"
$ 70.00
ready for shipping in 3-7

TS Optics
Eyepiece WA 70° 20mm 1.25"
$ 70.00
ready for shipping in 3-7

TS Optics
Eyepiece WA 70° 38mm 2"
$ 161.00
ready for shipping in 3-7

TS Optics
Eyepiece WA 70° 26mm 2"
$ 130.00
ready for shipping in 3-7

TS Optics
Eyepiece WA 60° 12mm 1.25"
$ 70.00
ready for shipping in 3-7

TS Optics
Eyepiece WA 70° 32mm 2"
$ 135.00
ready for shipping in 3-7
No built-in Barlow lens
Many wide-angle eyepieces have a Barlow lens built into the end of the eyepiece. This artificially produces a short focal length. The TS WA eyepieces do not require a Barlow. There are several advantages to this:
- Fewer lenses mean a brighter image and more contrast.
- The viewing experience is very steady, the 1.25" eyepieces are also well suited to binoculars
- Edge distortion is significantly reduced.
- You can combine these eyepieces with a Barlow lens. This is not recommended for eyepieces with a built-in Barlow.
- TS WA eyepieces have a very moderate focus position. You will be able to focus easily with any telescope.