Product series:
The MCX series of telescopes are easy to transport and quick to set up. Thanks to their electronic control, even beginners can quickly find interesting celestial objects.

Maksutov telescope MC 127/1900 MCX Messier EQ/AZ GoTo
$ 1,000.00

Maksutov telescope MC 102/1470 MCX Messier EQ/AZ GoTo
$ 870.00

One of the outstanding features of MCX telescopes is the very solid aluminium fork mount and the universal stainless-steel tripod. Both guarantee a stable position and minimise unwanted vibrations while observing.
In addition, the drives in both axles are equipped with precision ball bearings and precise worm gears made of steel and brass. This ensures smooth and silent star tracking.
Another special feature is the polar wedge built into the tripod head: you tilt the tripod head to the latitude of your location. In this way the MCX becomes a so-called equatorial mount, which enables a longer exposure time for astrophotography.