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TS Optics Telescope AC 152/900 Rich-Field RFT OTA
TS Optics
Telescope AC 152/900 Rich-Field RFT OTA
$ 1,190.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Bresser Telescope AC 152L/1200 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2
Telescope AC 152L/1200 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2
$ 1,390.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Askar Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 151/1057 151PHQ OTA
Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 151/1057 151PHQ OTA
$ 5,800.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph 154/600 OTA
Telescope Pro Astrograph 154/600 OTA
RRP:  $ 697.90
Our price:
$ 559.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Skywatcher Maksutov telescope MC 150/1800 SkyMax OTA
Maksutov telescope MC 150/1800 SkyMax OTA
$ 930.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Skywatcher Maksutov-Newton telescope MN 190/1000 Explorer DS Pro OTA
Maksutov-Newton telescope MN 190/1000 Explorer DS Pro OTA
$ 1,940.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Skywatcher Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 EvoStar ED OTA
Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 EvoStar ED OTA
$ 2,700.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph 154/600 HEQ-5
Telescope Pro Astrograph 154/600 HEQ-5
RRP:  $ 2,076.90
Our price:
$ 1,990.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Meade Telescope ACF-SC 152/1524 UHTC OTA
Telescope ACF-SC 152/1524 UHTC OTA
$ 1,400.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Bresser Telescope AC 152S/760 Messier Hexafoc OTA
Telescope AC 152S/760 Messier Hexafoc OTA
( 5 / 5 )
$ 970.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Telescope AC 152/1200 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2 GoTo
Telescope AC 152/1200 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2 GoTo
$ 1,920.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.04.2025
TS Optics Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 SD f/8 FPL53 OTA
TS Optics
Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 SD f/8 FPL53 OTA
$ 3,230.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
TS Optics Ritchey-Chretien RC 152/1370 OTA
TS Optics
Ritchey-Chretien RC 152/1370 OTA
RRP:  $ 690.00
Our price:
$ 600.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Bresser Maksutov telescope MC 152/1900 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2
Maksutov telescope MC 152/1900 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-2
$ 1,550.00
Product can be shipped as of 13.06.2025
Orion Optics UK Telescope N 150/750 VX6 OTA
Orion Optics UK
Telescope N 150/750 VX6 OTA
$ 730.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.05.2025
Bresser Telescope N 150/750 Messier Hexafoc OTA
Telescope N 150/750 Messier Hexafoc OTA
$ 405.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
TS Optics Apochromatic refractor AP 155/1240 CD-APO Deluxe OTA
TS Optics
Apochromatic refractor AP 155/1240 CD-APO Deluxe OTA
RRP:  $ 5,700.00
Our price:
$ 5,200.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
APM Apochromatic refractor AP 152/900 f/6 SD 3.7 ZTA OTA
Apochromatic refractor AP 152/900 f/6 SD 3.7 ZTA OTA
$ 4,850.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
TS Optics Telescope N 150/900 Photon OTA
TS Optics
Telescope N 150/900 Photon OTA
( 5 / 5 )
$ 431.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Askar Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 160/1120 Triplet OTA
Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor AP 160/1120 Triplet OTA
$ 4,700.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Skywatcher Telescope N 150/1200 Explorer 150PL OTA
Telescope N 150/1200 Explorer 150PL OTA
$ 243.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Explore Scientific Maksutov-Newton telescope MN 152/731 OTA
Explore Scientific
Maksutov-Newton telescope MN 152/731 OTA
( 4.33 / 5 )
RRP:  $ 1,350.00
Our price:
$ 1,240.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
APM Apochromatic refractor AP 152/1200 ED 2.5"-OAZ OTA
Apochromatic refractor AP 152/1200 ED 2.5"-OAZ OTA
( 5 / 5 )
$ 3,510.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Skywatcher Telescope AC 150/1200 EvoStar OTA
Telescope AC 150/1200 EvoStar OTA
$ 920.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
APM Apochromatic refractor AP 152/1200 ED 3.7"-OAZ OTA
Apochromatic refractor AP 152/1200 ED 3.7"-OAZ OTA
RRP:  $ 3,770.00
Our price:
$ 3,660.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Maksutov telescope MC 152/1900 Messier Hexafoc OTA
Maksutov telescope MC 152/1900 Messier Hexafoc OTA
$ 1,080.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Tecnosky Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 ED OWL OTA
Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 ED OWL OTA
$ 3,670.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Omegon Ritchey-Chretien Pro RC 154/1370 OTA
Ritchey-Chretien Pro RC 154/1370 OTA
RRP:  $ 639.00
Our price:
$ 555.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
GSO Dobson telescope N 152/1200 DOB
Dobson telescope N 152/1200 DOB
RRP:  $ 431.00
Our price:
$ 350.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Orion Optics UK Telescope N 150/1200 VX6L OTA
Orion Optics UK
Telescope N 150/1200 VX6L OTA
$ 730.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
TS Optics Telescope N 154/600 Photon OTA
TS Optics
Telescope N 154/600 Photon OTA
RRP:  $ 760.00
Our price:
$ 680.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
TS Optics Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 SD f/8 FPL53 OTA
TS Optics
Apochromatic refractor AP 150/1200 SD f/8 FPL53 OTA
RRP:  $ 4,100.00
Our price:
$ 3,130.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Bresser Telescope N 150/750 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-1
Telescope N 150/750 Messier Hexafoc EXOS-1
$ 740.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Cassegrain telescope C 153/1836 Ra 150C OTA
Cassegrain telescope C 153/1836 Ra 150C OTA
$ 520.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Telescope AC 152/1200 Messier Hexafoc OTA
Telescope AC 152/1200 Messier Hexafoc OTA
RRP:  $ 970.00
Our price:
$ 870.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Tecnosky Telescope AC 152/900 V2 OTA
Telescope AC 152/900 V2 OTA
$ 1,240.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks