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This page only shows products of our campaign 'Gifts for Children and Teenagers'.
Products 73 - 108 of 181
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Levenhuk Magnifying glass Zeno Cash ZC7 50x
Magnifying glass Zeno Cash ZC7 50x
$ 15.90
ready for shipping in 24 h
Bresser Junior Incident and transmitted light microscope, 50X
Bresser Junior
Incident and transmitted light microscope, 50X
$ 98.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.04.2025
Bresser Junior Binoculars 3x30
Bresser Junior
Binoculars 3x30
$ 20.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Junior Binoculars 3x30
Bresser Junior
Binoculars 3x30
$ 20.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Junior Telescope AC 50/360 mit Zelt
Bresser Junior
Telescope AC 50/360 mit Zelt
$ 65.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk LabZZ T3
LabZZ T3
$ 92.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Buki Glow Space - Mars
Glow Space - Mars
$ 12.90
ready for shipping in 24 h
Buki Binoculars 4x32 mm
Binoculars 4x32 mm
$ 15.90
ready for shipping in 24 h
DieMaus Biolux microscope for teenagers
Biolux microscope for teenagers
$ 119.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Levenhuk Stereo microscope 5ST 20-40x LED
Stereo microscope 5ST 20-40x LED
RRP:  $ 303.00
Our price:
$ 290.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Celestial Buddies Two Little Stars: Polaris Ab and B
Celestial Buddies
Two Little Stars: Polaris Ab and B
$ 21.90
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Levenhuk LabZZ C3 cup magnifier
LabZZ C3 cup magnifier
$ 11.90
Product can be shipped as of 15.04.2025
Buki Telescope - 30 activities
Telescope - 30 activities
$ 75.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Bresser Junior microscope, 40X-640X, red
Bresser Junior
microscope, 40X-640X, red
$ 48.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Buki Children's Telescope Moonscope 30
Children's Telescope Moonscope 30
$ 75.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Bresser Telescope AC 90/1200 Messier EXOS-2
Telescope AC 90/1200 Messier EXOS-2
$ 740.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Junior Microscope Biolux SEL green
Bresser Junior
Microscope Biolux SEL green
$ 108.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Bresser Junior Microscope Biolux SEL blue
Bresser Junior
Microscope Biolux SEL blue
$ 108.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk LabZZ MT2 telescope and microscope set
LabZZ MT2 telescope and microscope set
$ 54.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Levenhuk Brass telescope Spyglass SG2 12x30
Brass telescope Spyglass SG2 12x30
$ 54.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon binocular microscope, 40x-800x, LED
binocular microscope, 40x-800x, LED
( 5 / 5 )
$ 199.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.05.2025
Bresser Junior Telescope N 76/300 Smart
Bresser Junior
Telescope N 76/300 Smart
$ 65.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Bresser Telescope AC 90/1200 Messier EXOS-1
Telescope AC 90/1200 Messier EXOS-1
$ 620.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
DieMaus Incident light microscope for Children
Incident light microscope for Children
$ 43.90
ready for shipping in 24 h
Levenhuk LabZZ T1
LabZZ T1
$ 43.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Microscope LabZZ M3
Microscope LabZZ M3
$ 65.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Levenhuk Binoculars LabZZ B5 8x21
Binoculars LabZZ B5 8x21
$ 24.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Buki Mini Lab Fluo & Glow
Mini Lab Fluo & Glow
$ 17.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Microscope LabZZ M101 Lime
Microscope LabZZ M101 Lime
$ 43.90
ready for shipping in 24 h
Celestron Telescope AC 50/600 Powerseeker 50 AZ
Telescope AC 50/600 Powerseeker 50 AZ
$ 97.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Amethyst
Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Amethyst
$ 184.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Azure
Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Azure
$ 184.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Lime
Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Lime
$ 184.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Orange
Microscope Rainbow 50L Plus Orange
$ 184.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Levenhuk Microscope DTX 350 LCD 20-300x LED
Microscope DTX 350 LCD 20-300x LED
$ 162.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Levenhuk Planetarium LabZZ SP50 UFO
Planetarium LabZZ SP50 UFO
$ 125.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
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